Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Show ip dhcp pool

shows you the leased DHCP IP addresses.
2811#sh ip dhcp pool

Pool sdm-pool1 :
Utilization mark (high/low) : 100 / 0
Subnet size (first/next) : 0 / 0
Total addresses : 254
Leased addresses : 54
Pending event : none
1 subnet is currently in the pool :
Current index IP address range Leased addresses - 54

Monday, November 16, 2009



To enter ephone-dn-template configuration mode and create an ephone-dn template containing a standard set of ephone-dn features, use the ephone-dn-template command in global configuration mode. To delete an ephone-dn template, use the no form of this command.

ephone-dn-template template-tag

no ephone-dn-template template-tag

Syntax Description


Identifier for this ephone-dn template. Range is from 1 to 15.

Command Default

No ephone-dn template is created.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History

Cisco IOS Release
Cisco Product


Cisco Unified CME 4.0

This command was introduced.


Cisco Unified CME 4.0

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(9)T.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to create an ephone-dn template. An ephone-dn template contains a set of ephone-dn attributes that you can easily apply to one or more ephone-dns.

If you use an ephone-dn template to apply a command to an ephone-dn and you also use the same command in ephone-dn configuration mode for the same ephone-dn, the value that you set in ephone-dn configuration mode has priority.

Type? in ephone-dn-template configuration mode to see the commands that are available in this mode. The following example shows CLI help for ephone-dn-template configuration mode:

Router(config-ephone-dn-template)# ?

Ephone Dn template configuration commands:
  call-forward         Define E.164 telephone number for call forwarding
  call-waiting         Config call-waiting option
  caller-id            Configure port caller id parameters
  corlist              Class of Restriction on dial-peer for this dn
  default              Set a command to its defaults
  description          dn desc, for DN Qualified Display Name
  exit                 Exit from ephone-dn-template configuration mode
  hold-alert           Set Call On-Hold timeout alert parameters
  huntstop             Stop hunting on Dial-Peers
  mwi                  set message waiting indicator options (mwi)
  no                   Negate a command or set its defaults
  pickup-group         set the call pickup group number for the DN
  translate            Translation rule
  translation-profile  Translation profile

After creating an ephone-dn template, apply the template to one or more ephone-dns using the ephone-dn-template command in ephone-dn configuration mode. Even though you can define up to 15 different ephone templates, you cannot apply more than one template to a particular ephone-dn.

If you try to apply a second ephone-dn template to an ephone-dn that already has a template applied to it, the second template will overwrite the first ephone-dn template configuration after you use the restart command to reboot the phone.

To view your ephone-dn-template configurations, use the show telephony-service ephone-dn-template command. To see which ephone-dns have templates applied to them, use the show running-config command.


The following example creates ephone-dn template 3, which sets call forwarding on busy and no answer to forward calls to extension 4000 and sets the pickup group to 4. Ephone-dn template 3 is then applied to ephone-dn 23 and ephone-dn 33, which appear on ephones 13 and 14, respectively.

ephone-dn-template 3

call-forwarding busy 4000

call-forwarding noan 4000 timeout 30

pickup group 4

ephone-dn 23

number 2323

ephone-dn-template 3

ephone-dn 33

number 3333

ephone-dn-template 3

ephone 13

button 1:23

ephone 14

button 1:33

Related Commands


ephone-dn-template (ephone-dn)

Applies an ephone-dn template to an ephone-dn.

restart (ephone)

Performs a fast reboot of a single phone associated with a Cisco Unified CME router.

restart (telephony-service)

Performs a fast reboot of one or all phones associated with a Cisco Unified CME router.

show telephony-service ephone-dn-template

Displays ephone-dn-template configurations.

ephone-dn-template (ephone-dn)

To apply an ephone-dn template to an ephone-dn, use the ephone-dn-template command in ephone-dn configuration mode. To remove the ephone-dn template, use the no form of this command.

ephone-dn-template template-tag

no ephone-dn-template template-tag

Syntax Description


The template tag for a template created with the ephone-dn-template command in global configuration mode. Range is from 1 to 15.

Command Default

No ephone-dn template is applied to the ephone-dn.

Command Modes

Ephone-dn configuration (config-ephone-template)

Command History

Cisco IOS Release
Cisco Product


Cisco Unified CME 4.0

This command was introduced.


Cisco Unified CME 4.0

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(9)T.

Usage Guidelines

Use the ephone-dn-template command in ephone-dn configuration mode to apply an ephone-dn template to an ephone. You cannot apply more than one ephone-dn template to an ephone-dn.

If you try to apply a second ephone-dn template to an ephone-dn that already has an ephone-dn template applied to it, the second template will overwrite the first ephone-dn template configuration.

To view your ephone-dn-template configurations, use the show telephony-service ephone-dn-template command.


The following example shows how to create ephone-dn template 3, which sets call forwarding on busy and no answer to forward calls to extension 4000 and sets the pickup group to 4, and apply the template to ephone-dn 23 and ephone-dn 33, which appear on ephones 13 and 14, respectively.

ephone-dn-template 3

call-forwarding busy 4000

call-forwarding noan 4000 timeout 30

pickup group 4

ephone-dn 23

number 2323

ephone-dn-template 3

ephone-dn 33

number 3333

ephone-dn-template 3

ephone 13

button 1:23

ephone 14

button 1:33

Related Commands

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Cisco Commands - Remote Phone Proxy

!show the remote phones associated with the ASA.
show phone-proxy secure-phones

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

OpenNMS Notes

(8:41:50 AM) lmbc2: I am interested in deploying an opennms setup to monitor 50-100 network devices (routers, switches, etc) and I want to use a hosting company to do this
(8:42:02 AM) lmbc2: anyone have any experience with this?
(8:42:24 AM) lmbc2: I was looking at Slicehost or Westhost but am open to other providers
(8:43:26 AM) markw78: what do you mean by a hosting company
(8:43:36 AM) markw78: you want to host opennms on the internet to monitor public network devices?
(8:48:45 AM) lmbc2: yes
(8:49:34 AM) RangerRick: lmbc2: some folks have run it on an ec2 host, so I don't see why not :)
(8:49:56 AM) RangerRick: as long as there are no firewalls or anything preventing machines from said hosting company from monitoring whatever it is you want to monitor
(8:51:16 AM) lmbc2: all of the machines are publicly accessible and we'd allow SNMP/ICMP from the static public IP for our VPS at the hosting company
(8:51:30 AM) RangerRick: then I don't see why not
(8:51:39 AM) lmbc2: cool
(8:53:09 AM) lmbc2: thanks for the help!
(8:53:10 AM) lmbc2: I haven't been able to find any documentation on anyone who has implemented opennms on any hosting platforms. Do you know of any and what platforms?
(8:55:28 AM) RangerRick: I know it's worked on ec2, and we also ran it on a hosted box at newedge networks
(8:55:52 AM) RangerRick: honestly, as long as you have a "real" system with java and root access, it shouldn't matter in any way that it's at a hosting company
(9:00:12 AM) lmbc2: ok
(9:00:21 AM) lmbc2: that makes sense
(9:00:26 AM) lmbc2: thanks for the help

Friday, February 20, 2009

Linux Stuffs

Backing up all of a certain document type off a hard drive

find /mnt/windows -name '*.doc' -exec cp {} /mnt/myusb/backupdir \;

Cobbled together using info from here: