Thursday, October 28, 2010

Cisco - ISDN Plan Map

Apparently Cisco CME creates its own ISDN call plan rule set automagically. With some vendors, when you send across a number which begins with 011 and plan type international their switches freak out. You can override this treatment by applying an ISDN MAP to the serial interface of the PRI.

interface Serial0/2/0:23
isdn map address 011.* plan isdn type unknown


isdn map

To override the default ISDN type and plan generated by the router with custom values, use the isdn map command in interface configuration mode. To revert to the default ISDN type and plan, use the no form of this command.
isdn map address {{address | reg-exp} plan plan type type | transparent}
no isdn map address {{address | reg-exp} plan plan type type | transparent}

Syntax Description

Specifies that the default ISDN type and plan will be overridden.
Address map, which can be to either the calling number or the called number. This argument specifies the address for which the ISDN type and plan will be overridden.
Regular expression for pattern matching. This argument specifies that the ISDN type and plan will be overridden for addresses that match the regular expression.
plan plan
ISDN numbering plan. Valid values for the plan argument are as follows:
any—Any type of dialed number.
data—X.121 data numbering plan.
ermes—European Radio Message System numbering plan.
isdn—E.164 ISDN/Telephony numbering plan.
national—Number called to reach a subscriber in the same country, but outside the local network.
private—Private numbering plan.
reserved—Reserved for extension.
telex—F.69 telex numbering plan.
unknown—Number of a type that is unknown by the network.
type type
ISDN number type. Valid values for the type argument are as follows:
abbreviated—Abbreviated representation of the complete number as supported by this network.
any—Any type of called number.
international—Number called to reach a subscriber in another country.
national—Number called to reach a subscriber in the same country, but outside the local network.
network—Administrative or service number specific to the serving network.
reserved—Reserved for extension.
subscriber—Number called to reach a subscriber in the same local network.
unknown—Number of a type that is unknown by the network.
Specifies that the ISDN type and plan values received in raw messages from the ISDN originating gateway will take priority over the ISDN type and plan values received in the H.225 SETUP messages.

Command Default

The default is the ISDN type and plan generated by the router.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History

This command was introduced.
The transparent keyword was added.

Usage Guidelines

The default ISDN type and plan can be overridden with custom values on a per-number basis or for numbers that match regular expression patterns.
If you use the isdn map command to configure custom values for the ISDN type and plan, these values take priority over any other ISDN type and plan values. The order of precedence for ISDN type and plan values is as follows, beginning with the highest precedence:
Type and plan values configured with the isdn map command.
Type and plan values from voice translation rules specified with the rule (voice translation-rule) command.
Values received in the H.225 SETUP messages.
Values received from the ISDN originating gateway in raw messages.
Configuring the isdn map command with the transparent keyword results in raw messages received from the ISDN originating gateway receiving priority over H.225 SETUP messages. When the isdn map command is configured with thetransparent keyword, the order of precedence for ISDN type and plan values is as follows:
Type and plan values configured with the isdn map command.
Type and plan values from voice translation rules specified with the rule (voice translation-rule) command.
Values received from the ISDN originating gateway in raw messages.
Values received in the H.225 SETUP messages.


The following example overrides any plan and type used for any ISDN calls with a called or calling number that exactly matches 123:
interface serial1:23
 isdn map address 123 plan isdn type unknown 

The following example overrides any plan and type used for ISDN calls with a called or calling number that begins with the numerals 12:
interface serial1:23
 isdn map address 12.* plan data type subscriber
The following example matches any number that ends with the number 7:
interface serial1:23
 isdn map address .*7 plan data type subscriber
The following example reverses the precedence of ISDN type and plan values received from the ISDN originating gateway and from the H.225 SETUP message:
interface serial1:23
 isdn map address transparent

Related Commands

rule (voice translation-rule)
Defines a translation rule.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Cisco CME GUI Access

Post 8.0.2 you can no longer access the CME GUI through the CUE GUI. The workaround is to access this directly by going to:



Tuesday, October 19, 2010

CURL Notes

curl -a -o curltest.txt http://10.10.30.[1-30]